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Practice Vivir, Mirar, and Necesitar

Let’s practice the verbs Vivir, Mirar, and Necesitar, along with everything else we’ve learned this week, using a quiz. Speak out loud to practice!

Full Podcast Episode


Yo sé cómo decir esa palabra.

Intro: Join us on a rigorous, step-by-step journey to fluency. I’m Timothy and this is LearnCraft Spanish.

Let’s use a big quiz to practice everything we’ve learned this week, especially the verbs Necesitar, Mirar, and Vivir. Try to predict the Spanish before you hear it, and practice out loud!

In that sense, we want her to live with us.

En ese sentido, queremos que viva con nosotros.

I needed that, but I’ll do it when he looks at it.

Necesitaba eso, pero lo haré cuando él lo mire.

We live in a new house and we’re going to need many things.

Vivimos en una casa nueva y vamos a necesitar muchas cosas.

What are you watching? That’s why you don’t live here anymore.

¿Qué estás mirando? Por eso ya no vives aquí.

He lived here for five years and now they live in a far away place.

Él vivió aquí por cinco años y ahora ellos viven en un lugar lejos.

Look at me! I have to talk to you about that plan.

¡Mírame! Tengo que hablarte de ese plan.

Have you looked at everything in the house? We’re going to live there.

¿Has mirado todo en la casa? Vamos a vivir ahí.

They were talking among themselves and said it was my fault.

Hablaban entre sí y dijeron que fue mi culpa.

We have to pretend we didn’t live there for five years.

Tenemos que hacer de cuenta que no vivimos ahí por cinco años.

I live far away and that’s why I wasn’t there when you needed me.

Vivo lejos y por eso no estaba ahí cuando me necesitabas.

We want her to live here and you to look at that with her.

Queremos que viva aquí y que tú mires eso con ella.

We needed a lot of things from that place, that’s why now I look at everything.

Necesitábamos muchas cosas de ese lugar, por eso ahora miro todo.

I have lived there, so I know how to say that word.

He vivido ahí, así que sé cómo decir esa palabra.

Really, he lives nearby and I need his help.

De veras, él vive cerca y necesito su ayuda.

In the first place, why are you looking at me like that? 

En primer lugar, ¿por qué me miras así?

You know they have problems among themselves.

Sabes que tienen problemas entre sí.

You’re very sure of yourself(m) and we want you to live here.

Eres muy seguro de ti mismo y queremos que vivas aquí.

They look at her because they want to know where she’s living now.

La miran porque quieren saber dónde está viviendo ahora.

We have good memories of that place; we need to go there anew.

Tenemos buenos recuerdos de ese lugar, necesitamos ir ahí de nuevo.

They are going to realize she needs to be there at four o'clock.

Se van a dar cuenta de que ella necesita estar ahí a las cuatro en punto.

Seven years ago I was living in that country.

Hace siete años vivía en ese país.

We’re looking at him like that because I also lived in that place.

Lo miramos así porque yo también viví en ese lugar.

Could be… tell me what you need since he is only looking.

Puede ser… dime lo que necesitas ya que él solo mira.

Is it really all the same to you? They have to give us the bill.

¿De veras te da igual? Nos tienen que dar la cuenta.

Look, I was living there six years ago.

Mira, vivía ahí hace seis años.

Don’t look at him! You can’t look at people like that.

¡No lo mires! No puedes mirar así a las personas.

We do all this so that they look at us.

Hacemos todo esto para que ellos nos miren.

What they needed is not the same as what she needed.

Lo que ellos necesitaban no es lo mismo que ella necesitaba.

For more practice with all of this, go to LCSPodcast.com/125.

Next week, we’ll learn the verbs that will let us talk about liking, caring, and worrying, as well as some fun new adjectives and nouns.

This show is brought to you by LearnCraftSpanish.com. The Spanish voice in this episode was our coach Michael Agudelo. Our music was performed by the Seattle Marimba Quartet, and I’m Timothy, encouraging you to do the hard work of learning Spanish. Acquiring a second language is one of the most fulfilling things you can do, so start your fluency journey today at LCSPodcast.com.

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