In this episode we’ll practice the verb Querer, in all of its essential conjugations, with an extensive quiz. Practice along out loud!
By the way, you’ll seriously want to practice this.
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Today we’re going to practice everything that we’ve learned this week using a giant quiz.
Let’s talk for a second about our new adjectives, because in order to practice them, we need to learn a couple of new idioms that use them. The first one uses our adjective serio, which means “serious”. The idiom for “seriously” is en serio, literally “in serious”. For example:
Did he seriously want that?
¿En serio quería eso?
Next we have por cierto, which is used to say “by the way”. For example:
Yes. By the way, she’s here now.
Sí. Por cierto, ella está aquí ahora.
Let’s practice por cierto and en serio.
By the way, are you seriously going to the party?
Por cierto, ¿en serio vas a la fiesta?
He seriously wants to do what he used to do.
En serio quiere hacer lo que hacía.
Our last two idioms to learn involve the word menos, which means “less” or “least”. To say “at least” in Spanish, you use the phrase al menos. For example:
We don’t want it — or at least, I don’t want it.
No lo queremos — o al menos, yo no lo quiero.
Another way to say “at least” is por lo menos, but since al menos is a bit more frequent, in our quizzing you can expect to translate “at least” as al menos.
One more idiom: To say “unless”, we have a strange cluster of words: a menos que, literally “at less that”. Here’s an example:
She doesn’t want it unless they want it.
Ella no lo quiere a menos que ellos lo quieran.
Notice that we used a subjunctive after a menos que. As another example:
I won’t do it unless I have it now.
No lo haré a menos que lo tenga ahora.
Let’s practice al menos and a menos que.
At least you can have it.
Al menos lo puedes tener.
You have to leave unless you do something.
Tienes que irte a menos que hagas algo.
At least I don’t have to do anything that week.
Al menos no tengo que hacer nada esa semana.
She isn’t going unless you give it to her.
Ella no va a menos que se lo you give.
Ella no va a menos que se lo des.
All right, watch for a couple of uses of en serio, por cierto, al menos, and a menos que on the quiz today. If you’re ready, let’s go ahead and jump into this final quiz to practice everything we’ve been learning this week. For more practice with any of this, access the full course (250, step-by-step), for free here. It includes flashcards on everything covered in this podcast.
This first example is really challenging, because it strings four verbs together in an incredibly long verbal chain. See if you can get this.
They would want to be able to be doing that.
Quisiera poder estar haciendo eso.
By the way, we have to leave now.
Por cierto, tenemos que irnos ya.
If they wanted to know what you do, they would ask you.
Si quisieran saber qué haces, te they would ask.
Si quisieran saber qué haces, te preguntarían.
If I wanted less trouble, I wouldn’t go.
Si quisiera menos problemas, no iría.
You didn’t mean to do that in the past.
No quisiste hacer eso en el pasado.
I hope she doesn’t want to be alone.
I hope que no quiera estar sola.
Espero que no quiera estar sola.
Back then he was very nice.
En ese entonces él era muy bueno.
Leave so that they can be in the competition!
¡Vete para que ellos puedan estar en the competition!
¡Vete para que ellos puedan estar en la competencia!
I would do it, but it isn't the moment to do it.
Lo haría, pero no es el momento de hacerlo.
We weren’t able to do it when we were kids.
No podíamos hacerlo cuando éramos kids.
No podíamos hacerlo cuando éramos niños.
They don’t want to do it, but he will be able to.
No quieren hacerlo, pero él podrá.
You have to go, unless you can’t.
Tienes que ir, a menos que no puedas.
How is it going? Did you do that with him?
¿Cómo te va? ¿Hiciste eso con él?
If you didn’t want to help, you wouldn’t do it.
Si no quisieras to help, no lo harías.
Si no quisieras ayudar, no lo harías.
She didn’t say it to anyone.
No se lo she said a nadie.
No se lo dijo a nadie.
By the way, he would do it once in a while.
Por cierto, él lo haría de vez en cuando.
He is happy upon being alive.
Está feliz al estar vivo.
The wooden table is on that side.
La mesa de wood está en ese lado.
La mesa de madera está en ese lado.
You (all) want her to make an agreement with her friend(f).
Ustedes quieren que ella haga un acuerdo con su amiga.
It’s clear that you wanted to be the only person there.
Está claro que querías ser la única persona ahí.
Unless you want to go now.
A menos que quieras ir ahora.
It’s a lively place, but we didn’t mean to go.
Es un lugar vivo, pero no quisimos ir.
If we wanted to do what he does, it would be a little bit strange.
Si quisiéramos hacer lo que él hace, sería un poco strange
Si quisiéramos hacer lo que él hace, sería un poco extraño.
It’s certain that he has done a lot with a little bit of time.
Es cierto que ha hecho mucho con un poco de tiempo.
They meant to be able to have that one (m).
Quisieron poder tener ese.
I have always wanted to know someone from Paraguay.
Siempre he querido to know a alguien de Paraguay.
Siempre he querido conocer a alguien de Paraguay.
(All of you) How is it going? I was the one that saw you at the party.
¿Cómo les va? Yo era el que los saw en la fiesta.
¿Cómo les va? Yo era el que los vio en la fiesta.
He hasn’t been able to do it all at once.
No ha podido hacerlo todo a la vez.
You would want to have a moment.
Quisieras tener un momento.
They weren’t able to go to that great house.
No podían ir a esa gran casa.
I used to make cakes with the same shape.
Hacía cakes con la misma forma.
Hacía pasteles con la misma forma.
(Formal) Seriously, leave this instant with your friends!
En serio, ¡váyase ya mismo con sus amigos!
I would want to be part of the story.
Quisiera ser parte de la historia.
They will have the one that (f) they wanted.
Tendrán la que querían.
At least if he were able to do it, we could have both.
Al menos si él pudiera hacerlo, podríamos tener los dos.
I don’t know what she wanted.
No sé qué quería.
Seriously, he will make us something.
En serio, nos hará algo.
She wants us to love her.
Quiere que la queramos.
She isn’t sure that I’m going.
No está segura de que yo vaya.
You did it yourself(m) with that person.
Lo hiciste tú mismo con esa persona.
This month I want to make her a gift.
Este mes quiero hacerle un gift.
Este mes quiero hacerle un regalo.
We could want that type of party.
Podríamos querer ese tipo de fiesta.
There are only 3 minutes, nothing can be done.
Solo hay tres minutos, no se puede hacer nada.
We wanted to make it big.
Queríamos hacerlo grande.
I didn’t want to go with him this morning.
No quise ir con él esta mañana.
The best part is that they are the ones that had it.
Lo mejor es que son los que lo tenían.
I want him to be able to make a new one.
Quiero que pueda hacer uno nuevo.
You want to be with our friends?
¿Quieres estar con nuestros amigos?
We can throw him a party for being so quick.
Podemos hacerle una fiesta por ser tan rápido.
He wasn’t able to do me the favor.
No pudo hacerme el favor.
The girls would be able to do what I managed to do.
Las chicas podrían hacer lo que pude hacer.
No, I can’t do it.
No, no puedo hacerlo.
It might be that we can do it tomorrow.
Puede que podamos hacerlo mañana.
Sometimes I don’t want them here, unless they do this.
A veces no los quiero aquí, a menos que hagan esto.
It’s time to do what I would be able to do.
Es tiempo de hacer lo que yo podría hacer.
He meant to do what they did.
Quiso hacer lo que hicieron.
He isn’t dead and we’re going with him.
No está muerto y vamos con él.
You were able to do it, so you will do it again.
Podías hacerlo, así que lo harás otra vez.
I have given myself a new name.
Me he given un nuevo nombre.
Me he dado un nuevo nombre.
He did that part this month.
Hizo esa parte este mes.
I will go this week.
Iré esta semana.
He wants us to be here.
Quiere que estemos aquí.
If I did it, it would be serious.
Si lo hiciera, sería serio.
They can tell me that I’ll be their friend(f).
Me pueden tell que seré su amiga.
Me pueden decir que seré su amiga.
He wants me to love him.
Quiere que lo quiera.
To get more practice with these sentences, join the free course here and quiz yourself with them until you’re acing this.
Next week, we’ll learn the verb we need to talk about knowing things in Spanish.
This show is brought to you by LearnCraftSpanish.com. Our music was provided by the Seattle Marimba Quartet, and I’m Timothy, encouraging you to do the hard work of learning Spanish. Acquiring a second language is one of the most fulfilling things you can do, so start your fluency journey today using our free course — join here.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.