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Practice Deber

Let’s practice Deber out loud using a big quiz that covers everything we’ve learned this week.

Full Podcast Episode


No tiene nada que ver…

Intro: Join us on a rigorous, step-by-step journey to fluency. I’m Timothy and this is LearnCraft Spanish.

Today we’re going to use a big quiz to practice all our of conjugations of Deber, along with our new location adverbs and nouns.

First, let’s learn one new idiom involving the word Ver, which means “to see”. Consider this English sentence:

That has to do with our other problem.

So what exactly do we mean by “has to do”? When we say that something “has to do” with something else, what we mean is that it’s related in some way. In Spanish, there’s a very similar idiom, but it doesn’t use the word Hacer, for “to do”; instead, it uses Ver. So here’s the Spanish version of that sentence:

Eso tiene que ver con nuestro otro problema.

So maybe think about looking at two things together, side by side. They have to be seen together because they’re related.

Try it yourself with this next example, which throws algo in the middle of the construction:

What you said has something to do with this.

Lo que dijiste tiene algo que ver con esto.

So in general, to use this idiom, you’ll use some form of Tener, and you’ll also use the phrase que ver, but you are also allowed to put an adverb or pronoun between them. Here’s another example that makes it negative:

That doesn’t have anything to do with this!

¡Eso no tiene nada que ver con esto!

Watch for a couple of examples of Tener que ver on today’s quiz. Let’s dive in.

In this first example, we actually use the phrase debieron haber hablado, to imply that something must have happened, in the past of the past.

My friends must have(Deber preterite plus haber) talked to everyone there.

Mis amigos debieron haber hablado con todos ahí.

What you want is over there, back there.

Lo que quieres está por allí, ahí atrás.

We must do a lot of things for the earth.

Debemos hacer muchas cosas por la tierra.

They must go to the city and then come here.

Deben ir a la ciudad y después venir acá.

You had to(Deber, imperfect) be in the town before and now I must do it.

Debías estar en el pueblo antes y ahora yo debo hacerlo.

The people won’t do it with you, you had to(Deber preterite) be there.

El pueblo no lo hará contigo, debiste estar ahí.

We were near the place to which you already went.

Estábamos cerca del lugar al que ya fuiste.

We had to(Deber preterite) be outside.

Debimos estar afuera.

I should go along that street if I want to be there on time.

Debería ir por esa calle si quiero estar ahí a tiempo.

He doesn’t talk about having to(Deber) do that.

No habla de deber hacer eso.

You have to go downstairs because they want to talk to you.

Tienes que ir abajo porque quieren hablar contigo.

I had to(Deber imperfect) go to that country all the time because my family was there.

Debía ir a ese país todo el tiempo porque mi familia estaba ahí.

Everybody was at the party, but they were upstairs.

Todo el mundo estaba en la fiesta, pero ellos estaban arriba.

I have had to(Deber participle) go backwards.

He debido ir hacia atrás.

We went from here to there and maybe you must do the same.

Fuimos de aquí para allá y tal vez debas hacer lo mismo.

Come over here, near the door so that I can see you.

Ven para acá, cerca de la puerta para que te pueda ver.

You must go over there, where the hospital is.

Debes ir para allá, donde está el hospital.

She had (Deber preterite) to go with them and I should do the same.

Debió ir con ellos y yo debería hacer lo mismo.

It might be that we must pass by his house.

Puede que debamos pasar por su casa.

Perhaps she doesn’t have to(Deber) do it, but you should go.

Tal vez ella no deba hacerlo, pero tú deberías ir.

What you say has nothing to do with the things that are in the room.

Lo que dices no tiene nada que ver con las cosas que están en el cuarto.

They should be outside the house, near the back door.

Deberían estar fuera de la casa, cerca de la puerta de atrás.

It might be that I must go.

Puede que yo deba ir.

You will have to talk to them.

Deberás hablar con ellos.

They are yonder, around that side of the city.

Están allá, por ese lado de la ciudad.

He must know that what he says about the world doesn’t have anything to do with that.

Debe saber que lo que dice del mundo no tiene nada que ver con eso.

We should talk to her.

Deberíamos hablar con ella.

We had to(Deber imperfect) do that all the time before.

Debíamos hacer eso todo el tiempo antes.

You can do it in another place, it doesn’t have to do with that.

Puedes hacerlo en otra parte, no tiene que ver con eso.

He will have to(Deber future) do that.

Deberá hacer eso.

I know it’s far from here, but in front of his house.

Sé que está lejos de aquí, pero adelante de su casa.

This is what I had to(Deber imperfect) do at school when I was a kid.

Esto es lo que yo debía hacer en la escuela cuando era niño.

We can go anywhere, perhaps to that hotel.

Podemos ir a cualquier lado, tal vez a ese hotel.

I had to(Deber preterite) be over there, inside the place.

Debí estar por allí, dentro del lugar.

For more practice with all of this, go to LCSPodcast.com/110.

This show is brought to you by LearnCraftSpanish.com. The Spanish voice in this episode was our coach Ximena Lama-Rondón. Our music was performed by the Seattle Marimba Quartet, and I’m Timothy, encouraging you to do the hard work of learning Spanish. Acquiring a second language is one of the most fulfilling things you can do, so start your fluency journey today at LCSPodcast.com.

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