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Practice Contar and Valer

Let’s use a quiz to get lots of practice with the verbs Contar and Valer, as well as our new numbers and everything else we’ve learned this week. Try to predict the Spanish, and speak out loud!

Full Podcast Episode


Cuéntanos qué pasó.

Intro: Join us on a rigorous, step-by-step journey to fluency. I’m Timothy and this is LearnCraft Spanish.

Let’s use a quiz to get lots of practice with the verbs Contar and Valer, as well as our new numbers and everything else we’ve learned this week. Try to predict the Spanish, and speak out loud!

Seventy-six people in this place is a hazard.

Setenta y seis personas en este lugar es un peligro.

He counted sixty-one, but we counted sixty-seven.

Él contó sesenta y uno, pero nosotros contamos sesenta y siete.

Tell us what happened with the system.

Cuéntanos qué pasó con el sistema.

You don’t have to tell me anything about the seventies.

No tienes que contarme nada de los años setenta.

Don’t count to the number seventy-seven, count to seventy-eight.

No cuentes hasta el número setenta y siete, cuenta hasta el setenta y ocho.

Tell him what happened with the service.

Cuéntale lo que pasó con el servicio.

You count better if you have calm.

Cuentas mejor si tienes calma.

He’s still counting and there are seventy-one dollars until now.

Todavía está contando y hay setenta y un dólares hasta ahora.

You have to tell her the mode in which we did it.

Tienes que contarle el modo en el que lo hicimos.

(Plural) May you have a good time!

¡Que lo pasen bien!

This is worth seventy-three dollars and those are worth seventy-five.

Esto vale setenta y tres dólares y esos valen setenta y cinco.

The law says that I have rights.

La ley dice que tengo derechos.

She wants me to count on her strength.

Ella quiere que yo cuente con su fuerza.

My freedom was worth it.

Mi libertad valió la pena.

I will tell you the whole story, but first we need to be in silence.

Te contaré toda la historia, pero primero tenemos que estar en silencio.

Did you see the new law about services?

¿Viste la nueva ley sobre servicios?

I want you to count seventy-one things.

Quiero que cuentes setenta y una cosas.

(Formal) Tell me what happened in the program.

Cuénteme lo que pasó en el programa.

May you have a good day at work!

¡Que tengas un buen día en el trabajo!

This was worth more last year.

Esto valía más el año pasado.

You didn’t tell me the whole story, so tell it now.

No me contaste toda la historia, entonces cuéntala ahora.

You are worth the same as we are worth.

Vales lo mismo que nosotros valemos.

Count them and tell me if there are sixty-two or sixty-nine.

Cuéntalos y dime si hay sesenta y dos o sesenta y nueve.

She knows she counts on me and we count on her.

Ella sabe que cuenta conmigo y nosotros contamos con ella.

I wanted to tell you everything, but we need to be in silence.

Quería contarte todo, pero necesitamos estar en silencio.

I’m worth a lot, so I should be in the program.

Valgo mucho, así que debería estar en el programa.

I don’t think freedom isn’t worth anything.

No creo que la libertad no valga nada.

There were around sixty-six people there, I counted them.

Había como sesenta y seis personas ahí, yo las conté.

I want her to tell me about the sixties.

Quiero que ella me cuente sobre los años sesenta.

The system only knows how to count until seventy-four.

El sistema solo sabe contar hasta setenta y cuatro.

I have a right not to feel in danger.

Tengo derecho a no sentirme en peligro.

If you do it in this mode, you’ll need more force.

Si lo haces de este modo, necesitarás más fuerza.

I haven’t told you what happened yet, have calm.

No te he contado lo que pasó aún, ten calma.

They were worth about ten dollars.

Valieron como diez dólares.

Sure, I count on them and they count on me.

Vale, yo cuento con ellos y ellos cuentan conmigo.

For more practice with all of this, go to LCSPodcast.com/195.

Next week, we’ll learn the verbs for “stay” and “change”, as well as several new fun nouns, including the words for “gift” and “camera”.

This show is brought to you by LearnCraftSpanish.com. The Spanish voice in this episode was our coach Michael Agudelo. Our music was performed by the Seattle Marimba Quartet, and I’m Timothy, encouraging you to do the hard work of learning Spanish. Acquiring a second language is one of the most fulfilling things you can do, so start your fluency journey today at LCSPodcast.com.

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