These are the levels of support we offer our students.
Full access to the LearnCraft Spanish Podcast
Full transcripts of all lessons
Spanish grammar and vocabulary to cover 60% of the Spanish language
Free quizzing materials to practice everything
Full course access
Unlimited written homework corrections
Unlimited spoken homework corrections
Dedicated world-class language coach
Private community access
Personalized strategy and followup to keep you on track to your goal
Additional intermediate and advanced materials
One hour of live one-on-one coaching per week with your dedicated coach
Full course access
Unlimited written homework corrections
Unlimited spoken homework corrections
Dedicated world-class language coach
Private community access
Personalized strategy and followup to keep you on track to your goal
Additional intermediate and advanced materials
Two hours of live one-on-one coaching per week with your dedicated coach
Not ready for coaching and just want to kick off your Spanish Journey with a major win?
Our one-month challenge is a quick, intense language bootcamp that will help you master 50% of the Spanish language in just 4 weeks.