Practice Perder and Suceder

Let’s practice the verbs Perder, Comer, and Suceder, as well as everything else we’ve learned this week, using a big quiz. Try to predict the Spanish, and make sure to practice out loud!

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No quiero que te hagas daño…

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Let’s use a big quiz to practice the verbs Perder, Comer, and Suceder, along with everything else we’ve learned this week.

I don’t want you to lose this or it will hurt you.

No quiero que pierdas esto o te hará daño.

He says he feels pain when he eats.

Dice que siente dolor cuando come.

We lost the game because we were cold.

Perdimos el juego porque teníamos frío.

We always eat besides drinking coffee.

Siempre comemos además de tomar café.

He wants me to eat in order not to get lost later.

Quiere que yo coma para no perderme luego.

If they lose this, I’ll put it on top of the table.

Si pierden esto, lo pondré encima de la mesa.

Do you eat every time you’re hungry?

¿Comes cada vez que tienes hambre?

We never lose, but you already lost.

Nosotros nunca perdemos, pero tú ya perdiste.

People should never feel hatred nor hunger.

La gente nunca debería sentir ni odio ni hambre.

They probably only eat that type of food.

Probablemente solo comen ese tipo de comida.

If you lose, I will talk about your secret.

Si pierdes, hablaré de tu secreto.

Go inside the house and eat!

¡Ve adentro de la casa y come!

It’s a shame that I lose because of those things that occurred.

Es una pena que yo pierda por esas cosas que sucedieron.

I don’t want you to lose simply because you haven’t eaten.

No quiero que pierdas simplemente porque no has comido.

Even if we might lose, it’s a pleasure having this game with you (plural).

Aunque podamos perder, es un placer tener este juego con ustedes.

I lost my phone either around the house or inside the car.

Perdí mi teléfono o alrededor de la casa o adentro del auto.

That didn’t occur last night, he lost last week.

Eso no sucedió anoche, él perdió la semana pasada.

It’s not a secret that these things happen.

No es un secreto que estas cosas suceden.

When that occurs, it’s going to hurt him.

Cuando eso suceda, le va a hacer daño.

I don’t know what has occurred behind that house.

No sé qué ha sucedido detrás de esa casa.

Anything can occur, including losing your honor.

Todo puede suceder, incluso perder tu honor.

It’s a pleasure being here, even if I’m hot.

Es un placer estar aquí, aunque tenga calor.

He probably left his phone on top of the table last night.

Probablemente dejó su teléfono encima de la mesa anoche.

Lose now so you don’t feel pain later!

¡Pierde ahora para que no sientas dolor luego!

They simply lost their honor, besides their money.

Simplemente perdieron su honor, además de su dinero.

I don’t want to eat now; besides, I’ll eat at my grandmother’s house.

No quiero comer ahora, además, comeré en la casa de mi abuela.

He has lost everything, including his house.

Ha perdido todo, incluso su casa.

If you look around, you can see the hatred.

Si miras alrededor, puedes ver el odio.

What’s happening is that they are losing.

Lo que está sucediendo es que ellos están perdiendo.

I ate in the room behind that door.

Comí en la habitación detrás de esa puerta.

If I eat now, I lose my money.

Si como ahora, pierdo mi dinero.

Did you eat even though you were cold?

¿Comiste aunque tenías frío?

(Formal) Don’t lose! It would be a shame.

¡No pierda! Sería una pena.

He ate what was on top of the table.

Comió lo que estaba encima de la mesa.

She isn’t eating and, on top of that, I don’t want her to eat.

No está comiendo y, encima, no quiero que coma.

Let’s see what happens, besides who comes.

Veamos qué sucede, además de quién viene.

I don’t think she’ll lose because of the heat.

No creo que pierda por el calor.

To get more practice with these sentences, join the free course here and quiz yourself with them until you’re acing this.

Next week, we’ll learn the verbs for “play”, “help”, and “apologize”.

This show is brought to you by Our music was provided by the Seattle Marimba Quartet, and I’m Timothy, encouraging you to do the hard work of learning Spanish. Acquiring a second language is one of the most fulfilling things you can do, so start your fluency journey today using our free course — join here.

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