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Colette Barker

Spanish Testimonial

The interactions I am having with native Spanish speakers are more meaningful and more likely to develop into friendships. I find traveling much more rewarding now that I can communicate with the locals.

What was your reason for choosing to learn Spanish?

I have always wanted to learn a second language but until Accelerated Spanish I hadn’t found a method that seemed to work well for me. I also feel that as I spend a lot of my travel time in Mexico it would be more rewarding to be able to communicate with the locals in their native language.

How good was your Spanish before you joined Accelerated Spanish coaching?

My Spanish before starting Accelerated Spanish was just a collection of words and verbs that I didn’t know how to put into meaningful sentences. Even if I could make myself understood I couldn’t begin to comprehend what Spanish speakers were saying to me.

What convinced you to join our coaching program? Were you hesitant to join?

When I started my journey, I initially believed I’d be happy achieving a very basic level of fluency. I was having such great success with the free materials offered by Accelerated Spanish online that I was hesitant to join coaching at first. However, the more I learned, the more questions I had. I started to flounder and felt I might be wasting time trying to go it alone. I realized I needed the support of language coaches who understood the process and would give me direction. It was important to me that they be native speakers. I felt the coaching program would offer the pieces I was missing to ensure progression.

What do you think is unique about working with Accelerated Spanish coaching, versus anything else you’ve done in Spanish?

The coaching program provides valuable opportunities to gain speaking confidence, practice listening skills, continue developing writing skills, while adding new materials on a consistent basis to insure continued progression. I appreciate that we speak about interesting and meaningful things in our coaching meet ups. That’s a lot, but more importantly my coach has deep skills about the language learning process. She knows when to encourage me to move on to new materials and redirects my focus when necessary. She has a knack for discovering weak points and correcting those. Her intent to keep me progressing is genuine. There is always a coach available on the forum who can answer questions in a timely fashion. With coaching I feel confident that my time is well spent to ensure forward momentum. The genuine encouragement and enthusiasm of my coach combined with her knowledge of language learning has been pivotal to my success.

What is the most useful thing we’ve been able to do for you in the coaching?

Understand Spanish that is spoken to me! And I love being able to speak, read and write about my passions, art and gardening because of the custom lessons.

When you compare your Spanish today with how it was a year ago, what is the most notable difference?

I can enjoy conversations as they don’t seem like such hard work anymore. Both writing and reading are quite easy now.

What will be different in your life now that you’ve taken Accelerated Spanish coaching?

I am connecting with people, both Spanish speakers and non- Spanish speakers in a different way. I know my communication skills in my mother tongue have improved in the process of learning Spanish. The interactions I am having with native Spanish speakers are more meaningful and more likely to develop into friendships. I find traveling much more rewarding now that I can communicate with the locals.

What would you say to another student who isn’t sure whether or not they should join Accelerated Spanish coaching?

If you find yourself losing motivation, or feel like you are spinning your wheels, it is time to change your learning approach. The direction of educated native speaking coaches and the support of the coaching community keeps you moving forward towards your goal.

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