If you are committed, Accelerated Spanish coaching is less expensive, more flexible and more effective than college classes. In Accelerated Spanish, you can proceed as quickly as your talent and motivation will support.
I live in a state (New Mexico) where about half of the population speaks Spanish at home. Without speaking and understanding Spanish I was effectively excluded from their lives and culture.
Before the one- and two-month challenges I was at the “¡Hola! ¿Cómo está? Bien, ¿y usted?” level. Though my understanding greatly improved through the challenges, I really wasn’t able to hold anything that could be called a conversation.
I liked the fact that the challenges had structure, a continuous logical thread. I joined the coaching after the challenges, secure in the knowledge that I would have a structured program of continuous improvement available. Any hesitancy that I had originally was more about wasting time than wasting money, and the challenges erased that concern.
I really had nothing to compare it with. Before Accelerated Spanish my only formal exposure to Spanish was learning the numbers 1-10 in Mr. Creatura’s fifth grade classroom in the 1960s. That being said, I have taken a lot of formal language classes (Japanese, Russian) at the college level. The Accelerated Spanish coaching is much more adaptable to the unique needs and capabilities of the students than university courses.
I believe that that coaches adapting to my unique needs and interests has greatly increased the value for me. For example, I have focused a lot of attention on learning to read books written for native speakers of Spanish. The coaches have helped me along that path.
A year ago I could sort of kind of speak Spanish, but had to stop to find words to complete nearly every sentence with more that five words in it. Lord knows that my Spanish isn’t perfect now, but conversing for an hour entirely in Spanish has become low-stress.
We will be vacationing in Mexico in the spring. I now see no meaningful language barrier. Dread has been replaced by anticipation. Also, as a scientist, the whole universe of technical literature in Spanish is now open to me.
First of all, learning Spanish is a challenge, so please make sure that you have the motivation and commitment necessary to make a success of it before you start. If you are committed, Accelerated Spanish coaching is less expensive, more flexible and more effective than college classes, which often are stuck at the pace of the least motivated and least capable student. In Accelerated Spanish, in contrast, you can proceed as quickly as your talent and motivation will support.